Sanitisers and what type is best for your needs

sanitisers comparison chlorine alcohol quat peracetic peroxide

Sanitisers are a chemical we can use in the process of cleaning a surface to reduce the number of bacteria and micro-organisms to a save level. Unlike cleaning, which involves removing of grease/food/soils from a surface or object, sanitising relates directly to the micro-organisms that may be growing there. Most sanitisers need a cleaned surface to be most effective. However, some will have cleaners built in to help with both roles at once.

With winter coming up, some sanitisers may be able to help control or reduce the risk of spread of certain pathogens. We can keep gastro, colds, influenza and COVID-19 at bay with regularsanitising at your work or home. Sanitisers can have a range of base chemicals used in them, with each having their own perks and disadvantages. Have a look below at some of our main products under each type below:

Alcohol (Ethanol/Isopropanol) base

Advantages: These sanitisers are a fast drying product that would leave no residue as it will evaporate. We can consider this as safe for food preparation surfaces without rinsing, due to no residue being left behind.
Disadvantages: As a sanitiser, alcohol based products are great on a freshly washed surface, but becomes much poorer with protein present. Being an alcohol, it has a strong smell. Due to being a fast drying product, is considered a flammable risk.
Please note: American-baed websites will often reference isopropanol over ethanol based alcohol cleaners, due to taxes over there. In Australia, ethanol based alcohols are cheaper, but will do the same job for any sanitising needs.

Our Products:

Isopropanol LS461 – Also known as isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol. We sell this product pure, but can also manufacture to 70% concentration on request. (Great for home and office use)
Methylated Spirits LS7 – Also known as denatured ethanol. We sell as pure and used the same as ethanol for sanitising. we can also manufacture at 70% concentration on request. (Great for home and office use)

Chlorine base

Advantages: Chlorine-based sanitisers are powerful germicide with wide range of microbes they can kill (i.e. bacteria, viruses, microorganisms and protozoa). Chlorine is also used as deodoriser, able to remove bad smells from a surface. Chlorine sanitisers are free of toxic residues, but some products will be blended with other chemicals that can change this. They are non-staining to a range of hard surfaces and is typically the most economical to use as a sanitiser.
Disadvantages: Due to that the chlorine in these sanitisers can begin to form gases over time, they are considered to have a short shelf life, weakening in strength over time. This may be due to heat or sunlight and can often break down at a faster rate if stored outside or during warmer months. Chlorine can damage our clothes and skin, so care and protective equipment should be worn. It can also react with some metals, causing a corrosion of the surface, with pitting or a film forming on it. These sanitisers will give off chlorine gas if mixed with acid-based product (toxic to anyone in the area).

Our Products:

Bleach LB92 – Basic 4% household grade bleach. (Great for home, hospitality and office use)
Chloroclean LC791 – A thickened cleaner and sanitiser. (Great for home and office use)
Sodium Hypochlorite LB126 – A concentrated 12.5% bleach. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)
Chloroclean Plus LC829 – A high foaming cleaner and sanitiser. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)
Chloroclean Ultra LC830 – A high foaming cleaner and sanitiser, (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)

Hydrogen Peroxide based

Advantages: Sanitisers with a Hydrogen Peroxide base are effective for broad spectrum microbes, with the added benefit of it safely breaking down to water and oxygen. By choosing this sanitiser, we can allow for safer disposal to waste waters unlike other sanitisers, which may need neutralisation to a safe pH level before disposal. These products can also double as an oxygenated bleach for washing, without the risk of marks on clothing like chlorine would.
Disadvantages: Much like chlorine based sanitisers, Hydrogen Peroxide based products have a shorter shelf life, depending to heat and sun exposures, and can be very reactive at concentrated levels on certain surfaces, with its strong oxidising ability potentially able to increase heat in the solution and even cause a fire or liquid explosion.

Our Products: 

Adoxy LN844 (50%) – A 50% technical grade oxygen sanitiser. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)
Adoxy LN844S (35%)
– A 35% food-grade oxygen sanitiser. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)
Active O LA1702 – Activated hydrogen peroxide based sanitiser. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)
Adoxy Q LA1727 – A hydrogen peroxide and quaternary ammonium blended sanitiser. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)

Iodine based

Advantages: Iodine based sanitisers are considered to have a very stable, long shelf life, and are active against the majority of microorganisms (with the exception of bacterial spores). These sanitisers are also generally unaffected by hard water salts, unless there are chloride salts in high excess.
Disadvantages: Being that iodine based products are not as effective against spores as other sanitisers (i.e. chlorine based ones), it may not help in stopping further outbreaks of bacteria in an area, but does eliminate the issue at hand. Iodine based sanitisers also can be rather expensive, can stain some porous metals and plastics, and will be less effective as a sanitiser above a pH of 7.

Our Products:

Active I LA1726 – A concentrated iodine sanitiser. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)

Peracetic Acid (Peroxyacetic acid) based

Advantages: Peracetic acid, also known as a peroxyacetic acid (or P.A.A for shot) is considered a wide spectrum sanitiser. It is useful against both gram positive and negative bacteria, spore forming bacteria, viruses, bacteriophages, yeasts and moulds. P.A.A is conserved as a rapid action sanitiser even at low concentrations. This then breaks down to acetic acid (vinegar) and water for safer disposal of the waste-water. The P.A.A based sanitisers have very low toxicity and a low corrosiveness at the recommended usage concentrations. You will not get any staining or foaming with these products either, allowing for use in a variety of areas.
Disadvantages: A concentrate of P.A.A does have a very strong vinegar odour, but once diluted to right levels is not an issue. You do also have to be careful with the handling of the concentrate, which is a corrosive product. Similar to the Hydrogen Peroxide based sanitisers, can become reactive. While very effective, P.A.A sanitisers are generally expensive, with a more limited shelf life than other sanitisers out in the market.

Our Products:

Adoxysan LA996 – A 5% peracetic acid sanitiser. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)
Adoxysan N14 – A 15% peracetic acid sanitiser. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)

Quaternary Ammonium (Quat) based

Advantages: Quat based sanitisers are active against a large range or micro-organisms, with a stable and long shelf life. By forming bacteriostatic film, it can limit the regrowth after cleaning. At its correct use concentrations, the Quat sanitisers are mostly non-corrosive and non-irritating (unless mixed with certain agreements). You can consider these as a stable sanitiser around organic matter and temperature changes and give good penetration.
Disadvantages: Quat sanitisers are generally a more expensive than chlorine based sanitisers. Surface residue (if used in excess to the recommended usage rates) can also be an issue. These sanitisers can have some foaming issues under certain mechanical applications and give different efficiency rates, depending on germ types.

Our Products:

Adsan LN878 – A concentrated, neutral quaternary ammonium sanitiser for use on food contact surfaces. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)
Adsan LN906 – A more concentrated, neutral quaternary ammonium sanitiser for use on food contact surfaces. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)
Adoxy Q LA1727 – A hydrogen peroxide and quaternary ammonium blended sanitiser. (Perfect for food/beverage manufacturing sites)
Adsan LN1736 – A non-rinse sanitiser designed on cutlery, crockery and food contact surfaces (also fine for non-food contact surfaces). (Great for home, hospitality or office use)
Adsan LN1856 – A non-rinse sanitiser, designed for non-food surfaces. This has been tested to meet TGA standards as a Hospital Grade Sanitiser, This includes a range of bacteria and viruses (including COVID-19). (Great for home and office use)

For any questions you may have regarding your sanitising needs or any product enquiries, feel free to contact us here.